Solar radiation map Spain Photon
This is a reliable Solar radiation map for Spain, copyright Photon:
Murcia will appeal against L14/2010
The Spanish Autonomous Community of Murcia files a constitutional challenge against L14/2010. This was announced by the President of Murcia, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, during an assembly organised by ANPER. ANPER is one of the Spanish national renewable energy associations, and is presided by Rocio Hortigüela. UPDATE 11-04-11: The Constitutional Court has admitted the appeal filed … Continued
calendar for the PV FIT pre-assignation of the third and fourth trimester of 2011
last week Orden ITC/688/2011, of March 31th was published. This Orden modifies the calendar for the PV FIT pre-assignation of the third and fourth quarter of 2011, as regulated by Royal Decree 1578/2008. The application for the third quarter PV FIT pre-assignation of 2011 shall be as of the day following the closure of … Continued
The Spanish system to provide fair compensation on private copying has been blown up
This is the first of a series of articles on this issue, the coming weeks we will publish several follow-up’s discussing the SGAE v PADAWAN case, including a conference given by the honourable Judge Ignacio Sancho Gargallo, not forgetting an interesting administrative case on the national level, and ending with a broad overview of the panorama we … Continued
APPA focuses on litigation after failed negotiations
The meeting maintained yesterday between the MITYC (Spanish Ministry of Industry) and the Spanish Renewable Energy associations, amongst which APPA, has not had a significant outcome. The MITYC proposals are a drop on a hot plate. Only a minor soothing of the effects of L14/2010 was offered for installations >50kW. APPA will now center its … Continued
Welcome to our new Blogformat
After a few months of activity and experiments we are launching our new format! We will now be keeping blogs on three different topics. We write about legal developments with impact on these topics, more or less randomly though, without pretension to offer exhaustive coverage. We write on issues which we think are interesting for … Continued
Statistics of HOLTROPBLOG until now
This morning at 11:42 we had exactly 2000 visitors since we started counting with google analytics. These visitors were 3219 times on our blog, and came from 70 countries. They stay just over 3 minutes on our blog, and read 2,24 articles. 38% of them returned on other occasions to continue reading. Our top … Continued
European Court of Justice on legal certainty
In our article “A turn in Spanish Jurisprudence on retroactivity” we advocated a U-turn in Spanish jurisprudence on retroactivity, alleging incompatibility of such retroactivity with EU Law. We based our general opinion on a straight forward analysis of Spanish Jurisprudence, and on the COM documents which were part of the legislative process of Directive 28/2009/EC. We … Continued
The Spanish Electricity System. Preliminary Report 2010
REE drafts a yearly report with the provisional statistical data regarding the behaviour of the Spanish electricity system. Here is last years “The Spanish Electricity System. Preliminary Report 2010” Remarkable fact: Renewable energies, favoured this year by the high level of reserves of water for hydroelectric power, covered, according to provisional data, 35 % … Continued
calendar for the PV FIT pre-assignation of the third trimester of 2011
Yesterday Orden ITC/527/2011, of March 11th was published. This Orden modifies the calendar for the PV FIT pre-assignation of the third trimester of 2011, as regulated by Royal Decree 1578/2008. The application for the third trimester PV FIT pre-assignation shall be filed within 15 days following the publication of the definitive call for this … Continued