Murcia will appeal against L14/2010
The Spanish Autonomous Community of Murcia files a constitutional challenge against L14/2010. This was announced by the President of Murcia, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, during an assembly organised by ANPER. ANPER is one of the Spanish national renewable energy associations, and is presided by Rocio Hortigüela.
UPDATE 11-04-11: The Constitutional Court has admitted the appeal filed by the Autonomous Community of Murcia. The appeal is against the first additional clause, the second transitory clause and the first final clause of L14/2010. To refresh your memory: The first additional clause regulates the time cap in 5 radiation zones for the lifetime of the PV installations in Spain, the second additional clause regulates the time cap for 661/2007 installations the coming 3 years, and the first final clause regulates the extension from 25 to 28 years of the FIT.
According to the government of Murcia, these clauses are retroactive. We will follow this appeal with attention, as it may be relevant for the Litigation which we are preparing against L14/2010.