27th September, NRC Handelsblad: “Spanish solar damage”
The Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad dedicated a long article to the situation of photovoltaics in Spain, including an explanation by Piet Holtrop regarding the wawe of lawsuit against the government and the complaints we filed before the European Commission as volunteer lawyers for the Platform for a New Energy Model. Here the full article: Spaanse … Continued
27th September, elEconomista: Brussels pushes Spain to comply with renewable energy directive
Spanish newspaper el Economista reports that the European Commission has decided to start an infringement proceeding against Spain and Italy for failing to communicate the measures they intend to take in order to meet the goal that by 2020, 20 percent of the generation electricity from renewable sources. The article also refers to the proceeding … Continued
Renewable energy: Italy and Spain called upon to comply with EU renewable energy rules
The Commission has formally requested Italy and Spain to take action and ensure full compliance with EU rules on renewable energy. The Commission has sent a reasoned opinion to these countries for not informing the Commission about the full transposition of the Renewables Directive (Directive 2009/28/EC).The law had to be implemented by Member States by … Continued
The increasingly inaccurately called electricity sector reform: one step closer to abyss
On internal working documents in our Firm we refer to it as the fifth or the sixth reform, it’s hard to keep count and difficult to distinguish which is reform and which is not. Each plan or reform over the past three years has been presented as the definite solution to the problems of the … Continued
9th September, Marije Cornelissen, member of the European Parliament: Spain fools its citizens with solar
In her article Marije Cornelissen, Member of European Parliament, refers to the complaints we have presented in Brussels as lawyers of the Platform for a New Energy Model and joins the defense of Spanish renewables against the new electricity reform defined as “a Spanish consumer deception. “ http://www.joop.nl//opinies/detail/artikel/22354_spanje_bedondert_eigen_burgers_met_zonnestroom/
02 September 2013, elEconomista, “Brussels opens a proceeding against Spain for the 7% energy tax”
In an article published this Monday, Spanish newspaper “elEconomista” explains the decision of the European Commission to open a file against Spain following the complaint filed by Holtrop S.L.P. in representation of the Platform for a New Energy Model against the new electricity tax contained in Law 15/2012. elEconomista “Brussels opens a proceeding against Spain … Continued
Explaining the Commission’s decision on our complaint against the electricity tax
After the numerous reactions, comments and congratulations we have received after the decision by the European Commission to open a file against Spain following the complaint filed by Holtrop S.L.P. in representation of the Platform for a New Energy Model against Spain’s new electricity tax, we would like to further explain what this step means. … Continued
The Platform for a New Energy Model welcomes the Commission decision to open a proceeding pursuant its complaint against Law 15/2012
The Platform for a New Energy Model received yesterday a notification of the European Commission in which it was reported that the Commission had decided to open a proceeding against Spain for the establishment of an indirect tax on electricity generation that might be contrary to EU law. The complaint, drafted by Holtrop SLP … Continued
Spain now sued before the European Court of Human Rights for lack of effective remedies
We presented an application before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) last Friday, after having exhausted all internal remedies in the proceedings against the provisional settlements of renewable energy (Photovoltaic PV) of 2011, the first year of application of the retroactive cuts to feed-in tariffs contained in Royal Decree Law 14/2010. In our complaint … Continued
23th July, de Volkskrant “Spain opens solar panels hunting season”
In an article published last week, Dutch newspaper “de Volkskrant” describes in a very critical way the situation of photovoltaic energy in Spain. The article includes an explanation by Piet Holtrop. In order to read the article click here
The biggest legal battle in the entrepreneurial history of Spain
Expansión, a Spanish newspaper generally critical on renewables and very pro on conventional energies wrote yesterday that the latest Energy reform (The fifth or Sixth already, depending how you understand reform) would unleash the largest battle in terms of national and international litigation, arbitration included, in modern Spanish history. The Spanish government as a measure … Continued
New electricity reform aims to eliminate tariff deficit by attacking renewables once again
The fifth and last reform of the Spanish electricity sector has been presented today in a press conference of the Council of Ministers. It was in some way foreseeable that the new Royal Decree Law presented today could contain strong cutbacks to renewables energies and photovoltaic in particular. As the Spanish press highlighted in the … Continued