The lawyers of HOLTROP S.L.P will be meeting with a team of legal experts of Commissionar Oettinger in the coming three weeks
The Platform for a New Energy Model thinks that there are reasons for hope after the last steps achieved before the European Union On 14th June 2013 the Platform for a New Energy Model received, at the office of its pro bono law firm HOLTROP S.L.P., a notification from the Energy DG of the European … Continued
The Platform for a New Energy Model meets Commissioner Oettinger
Yesterday the Platform for a New Energy Model (Plataforma por un Nuevo Modelo Energetico), met in Strasbourg with Gunther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Energy, and gave him the more than 180,000 signatures collected in December in a campaign advocating for a cost audit of the Spanish electricity sector. Holtrop SLP joined this delegation lawyers and … Continued
We will invoke a Standstill Clause on the 15th of May
After profound study and conversations with representatives of the European Commission, we think that the energy tax could be considered a state benefit. This is due to the fact that it goes from being a situation in which the costs of the energy system are financed by its own income, to one in which a … Continued
3rd of May 2013, El Economista, “Brussels Reprimands Rajoy and Merkel in Order for Them to Push Renewables”
The newspaper “El Economista” wrote about a new publication emitted by the European Commission regarding the route that State members should follow on energy matters, and insists that countries encourage renewables. They state that due to months of unsettlement in the renewable sector in Brussels, the Commission has assigned three new technical civil servants to … Continued
Holtrop SLP, Art and Belgian Beer.
Holtrop SLP is pleased to invite you to our 3rd traditional evening of drinks in our offices on Thursday16th of May from 19h – 21h. Don´t miss this opportunity to catch up on current affairs whilst enjoying an exhibition by the artist Javier Tuñon and tasting a selection of eight beers imported … Continued
Yesterday on the 16th of April 2013 Holtrop S.L.P. announced before the Spanish administrative tribunal, the Audiencia Nacional, its appeal against the Orden Ministerial IET221/2013 which develops the Royal Decree-Law 2/2013 freezing the yearly update of the Consumer Index Price (CPI) for the feed-in tariffs to renewable energy installations. Our appeal is based on the … Continued
11th April 2013, Energías Renovables, “The EU Shows Signs of Astonishment due to the Energy Politics of the Spanish Government.”
The website www.energias-renovables.com briefed their readership on the reaction from members of the European Commission on APPA and the Platform for a New Energy Model´s recent trip to Brussels with Holtrop S.L.P. http://www.energias-renovables.com/articulo/la-ue-muestra-estupor-por-la-politica-20130411
Different members of the European Commission and numerous members of the European Parliament have shown signs of dismay and discomfort at how the Spanish government is violating different EU directives, is threatening renewables and shows no signs of political will to implement measures of energy saving and efficiency, as per complaints made in Brussels by … Continued
9th April, Tercera Informacion “Renewables: They Want to Take the Government Before the European Court of Justice”
The website www.tercerainformacion.es published news on APPA and the Platform for a New Energy Model´s trip to Brussels on the 8th and 9th of April to meet with the European Commission and European Parliament in order to complain about the energy model being promoted in Spain. Holtrop SLP is cited as being the author of … Continued
Legal advisory Corporate
When we talk about transactions, HOLTROP S.L.P. Transaction & Business Law has been conceived from its beginning as a business advisory oriented Firm, with special focus on international transactions, mainly company acquisitions. In most of the operations in which we advise, we represent foreign buyers, although the trend of the last years has increasingly been … Continued
Our transactional and advisory practice
When we talk about transactions, HOLTROP S.L.P Transaction & Business Law has been conceived from its inception as a Firm oriented towards business advisory, with a special focus on international transactions, mainly acquisitions of other businesses and greenfield projects. In the past few years years, legal advice for new renewable energy capacity, which will have … Continued
4th April, Eolian and Electric Car Review, REVE “The Association of Renewable Energies Producers will take the Spanish Government before the Court of Justice of the European Union”
On 4th April, the Eolian and Electric Car Review, REVE, published that “The Association of Renewable Energies Producres will take the Spanish Government before the Court of Justice of the European Union”. In addition, it mentioned Holtrop S.L.P as the law firm representing the Platform for a New Energy Model and writing the complaints presented … Continued