The new Law of the electricity sector once again affects renewable energy investments
On the 26th of December 2013 the Spanish Parliament approved Law 24/2013, of the electricity sector which replaces the Law 54/1997 after sixteen years from its entry into force. The Law has been published in the official journal on the following day and has entered into force on January 1st 2014. This law is only … Continued
What European Law will not allow to be done against renewable energies in Spain
We’re in the first days of the new year: 2014. On the brink of it the Spanish Government approved a new Electricity Sector Law (Ley24/2013) which will bring even more chaos to the Spanish Electricity sector: it merely cuts back without structurally improving thing. We will publish shortly about why we think that also this … Continued
10th of December, La Marea: “Self production and electricity reform (II): Proposals on energy sovereignty”
The review “La Marea” published yesterday this article by Jordi Ortiz, where issues such as the current state of the electricity market, the defense of energy sovereignty and the vision that the European Union has in relation to the matter were addressed thoroughly. In this article, the author took the opportunity to applaud the intervention … Continued
IBV: Watershed for the European Commission
When I said, about two months ago, that the IBV case meant a watershed for renewal energies in Spain, my thoughts were both with our procedures in Spain and with our complaints filled in Brussels. On Thursday of last week, the 5th of December of 2013, Daniel Pérez and I met, together with other lawyers … Continued
10th of December, The Baltic Course: ” EU Commission officials meet with attorneys representing renewable energy sector from Greece, Latvia and Spain”
“The Baltic Course”, an International Internet Magazine about Baltic news & analytics, posts on its website an article about a Technical meeting held in Brussels the 5th of December, with six European Commission officials of DG Energy, DG Competition and DG Taxation and several attorneys, one of them Piet Holtrop, representing renewable energy producers and … Continued
10th of December, Europolitics: “Renewable energy producers unite to fight retroactive changes”
The 5th December, on his trip to Brussels to meet with the legal cell of the EU Energy Commissioner Oettinger, Piet Holtrop and other members of the delegation, were interviewed by Anca Gurzu of Europolitics. You can read the article following this link.
Commission has new legal instruments after IBV case
Mr. Sandis Bertaitis Attorney-at-Law FORT Antonijas Street 8-4, Riga, Latvia Mr. Piet Marco Holtrop Attorney-at-Law HOLTROP S.L.P. C/Via Augusta 10, 3º, Barcelona, Spain Mr. Antonis Metaxas Attorney-at-Law METAXAS & ASSOCIATES Asklipiou Street 154, Athens, Greece PRESS RELEASE Six European Commission officials of DG Energy, DG Competition and DG Taxation and several attorneys … Continued
New Communication on the internal market in electricity and public intervention
Last week the Commission made public a package of documents on the internal electricity market and public intervention, consisting in a Communication[1] and four Working Papers on: (1) public intervention in the electricity market[2], (2) the design of support schemes for renewables[3], (3) the mechanisms of cooperation in renewables[4], (4) demand of flexibility[5] and … Continued
Commission refers Austria to the CJEU for failing to transpose Renewable Energy Directive
The European Commission will bring Austria before the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to transpose Directive 2009/28/EC, also known as the Renewable Energy Directive. The Directive aims at ensuring a 20% share of renewable energy in the EU by 2020 and had to be transposed by the Member States by 5 … Continued
20th of November, Renewable Energy: “What European Law will not allow to be done against renewables”
In this article, Piet Holtrop, member of APPA and founder of the Law firm Holtrop S.L.P. Transaction & Business Law, an international firm specializing in European Law in the renewables sector, reviews the legal rebuke suffered by clean energy since 2010 and provides arguments that explain why European Law will not allow certain outrages against … Continued
The Platform for a New Energy Model denounces Spanish anti-renewables policies before the European Commission
The Platform for a New Energy Model presented yesterday a complaint against Spain before the European Commission for breaches of EU law, due to the lack of competition in its electricity sector and the incorrect implementation of EU legislation on the internal market. The document, prepared by Holtrop S.L.P. lawyers, is the fourth in a … Continued