Annual inflation correction FIT
Today Orden ITC/3353/2010 was published in the official gazette. This piece of regulation contains the inflation correction for the feed in tariff of the Spanish Special Regime. Note the change from 25 to 28 years for 661/2007 installations, as regulated last Friday. Please bear in mind that these FIT only apply for the new hourly … Continued
Royal Decree Law 14/2010 brings radical feed in tariff cut for PV
Spanish photovoltaic industry hit hard by feed in tariff cuts. As of January 1st 2011 Spanish PV installations will be severely harmed by a limitation in operational hours. Both 661/2007 installations and new installations are affected by Royal Decree Law 14/2010. Irrespective of the climate zone in which your 661/2007 PV plant is located, operational hours will … Continued
The term to file for the feed in tariff of the 1st quarter of 2011 finalizes on the 18th of December.
The term to file for the feed in tariff of the 1st quarter of 2011 finalizes on the 18th of December. The PV feed in tariffs for the 1st quarter will be of: Subtype I.1: 31,3542 c€/kWh Subtype I.2: 27,8887 c€/kWh Type II: 25,1714 c€/kWh The allowed volume of this round will be of: Subtype … Continued
Macro economical impact study of renewables in Spain
On the 14th of December 2010 APPA has presented the updated version of the Study of the macroeconomical impact of Renewable Energies in Spain. You can download it here. We will be presenting the English version of this Study together with APPA on the 25th or the 26th of January 2011, keep the date! … Continued
Third trimester PV preasignation published
Today, the 13th of December the list of preassigned PV feed in tariffs has been published in the Spanish Official Gazette. You can consult this resolution here. The definitive list has not been published yet, but you can consult the provisional list here.
Art exhibitions at our Office
Art exhibition by Dutch artist Marike Wiggers Currently we are showing an exhibition of work by the Dutch artist Marike Wiggers. She has become increasingly productive over the last decade, and has recently been awarded a Dutch art award. We are showing pencil on paper from her hand. Mark her name, you will definitely … Continued
Will RD1565/2010 cause a shakeout in the Spanish PV sector?
A game of musical chairs for large PV plants in Spain: RD1565/2010 punishes the Spanish PV sector disproportionately hard. Several retroactive measures and a potential limitation of the total volume to be installed have been adopted to scapegoat PV. A shakeout may occur in the sector, who is going to refinance or even enter with … Continued
Don Quichote breekt zijn lans voor Feed in Tariffs; Spaans voorbeeld voor Nederland?
Met windenergie staat Spanje op plaats drie van de wereldranglijst van geinstalleerd vermogen, na de Verenigde Staten en Duitsland. In Fotovoltaïsche Zonne-energie is dat plaats twee, na Duitsland, en voor Concentrating Solar Power staat Spanje op dezelfde plek, maar dan achter de VS (2008). Hoe komt dit? Op 2 december jl. is in Madrid een … Continued
Terugleververgoedingen in crisis.
Spanje heeft jarenlang een zeer succesvol stimuleringsbeleid voor duurzame energie gevoerd. De huidige crisis doet menigeen echter twijfelen aan dit beleid. In juli moeten in Spanje de nieuwe terugleververgoedingen vastgesteld worden. De terugleververgoedingen voor duurzame energie liggen momenteel onder een vergrootglas, wat zijn de tendenties en wat is de relevantie hiervan voor Nederland? APPA studie … Continued
Field research compliance e-commerces with Directive 2000/31/EC
This article was published in 2001, at the time I was still an attorney with Jausas; the article was quoted in several national news bulletins on the day of the press conference, as well as in the Financial Times. For the sake of completeness of my archives, and of course for nostalgic reasons I publish … Continued