Workshop on Intellectual Property, Media and Culture at the European Cultural Foundation
We are very glad to inform that Abel Garriga will be in London (@BFI) and Amsterdan (@ECF) next week to present a Workshop on Intellectual Property, Media and Culture in the Doc Next Network program, a project of the European Cultural Foundation Find following an introduction to the exciting topics we are going to work … Continued
Amendments proposed to RDL14/2010, the sequel
After the failed intent of last march 10th, when an amendment to derogate the “Photovoltaic Clauses” of RDL14/2010, we will now see a sequel to this quest. Coming 5-7 July a commission of the Spanish Senate shall vote on approval of an amendment proposal to be sent to the Senate. On the 12-13 July the … Continued
FIT PV 2nd quarter 2011
The Spanish PV feed in tariffs for the 2nd quarter of 2011 are of: Subtype I.1: 28,8821 c€/kWh Subtype I.2: 20,3726 c€/kWh Type II: 13,4585 c€/kWh The allowed volume of this round is: Subtype I.1: 7,163 MW Subtype I.2: 67,846 MW Type II: 40,450 MW The definitive list of Q1 2011 and the parameters for Q2 2011 can be consulted … Continued
Europarecht verbietet rückwirkende Änderungen der Einspeisevergütung
Interview von Oliver Ristau mit Piet Holtrop in Heft 352 von Solarthemen, ausgabe 26. Mai 2011. Europarecht verbietet rückwirkende Änderungen der Einspeisetarife.
Senator Pere Sampol defending PV
See the discourse of Senator Pere Sampol of Mallorca defending legal certainty for PV in Spain:
Infographic L14/2010 recurso / appeal
Después de varios meses de publicación sobre el recurso contra L14/2010 hemos sintetizado nuestra estrategia en un esquema gráfico, haga click en la imagen para ver una versión más grande: After several months of publishing on L14/2010 we have made a summarised infographic of our strategy for the appeal against L14/2010, click on the … Continued
The Spanish system to provide fair compensation on private copying has been blown up, part two
Second episode. The case SGAE v PADAWAN 1. The case As explained in our previous post, PADAWAN, S.L. runs a shop selling all kind of items related to computers, from hard drives and USB pen drives to spare parts of PC to DVD’s and CD’s. Therefore and according to the system explained in our first … Continued
New proposal for Royal Decree on distributed generation in Spain
Last July 30th 2010 the Spanish Ministry for Industry (MYTIC) sent a proposal to the CNE for a new Royal Decree regulating the grid connection of small electricity production units. Last April 19th 2011 MYTIC sent a new version to the CNE for evaluation, we are currently studying this document, to which we have had … Continued
The European Commission has brought the Kingdom of Spain before CJEU in corporate tax matter
The action was brought before the court on February 11 2011, and the issue at stake are valuation rules. According to the European Commission, Article 17(1) of Royal Legislative Decree 4/2004 of 5 March approving the consolidated text of the Law on Corporation Tax, the Kingdom of Spain has failed to comply with its obligations … Continued
Constitutional issues on fines in transfer pricing
In case 8/2009 the Spanish Supreme Court has remitted a constitutional appeal in a case about Royal Decree 1793/2008, on transfer pricing. The issue at stake is the obligation of the affected companies to have relevant documentation on transfer pricing, whereas the content of such documentation has not yet been established with the required precision. … Continued