New proposal for Royal Decree on distributed generation in Spain
Last July 30th 2010 the Spanish Ministry for Industry (MYTIC) sent a proposal to the CNE for a new Royal Decree regulating the grid connection of small electricity production units. Last April 19th 2011 MYTIC sent a new version to the CNE for evaluation, we are currently studying this document, to which we have had access through APPA. APPA is member of the consultative committee, and will deliver its comments to the MITYC.
We spoke to MYTIC today; the publication of the new proposal is expected on the website of the MYTIC the coming days. We will be posting on the new proposal the coming weeks.
UPDATE 10-05-11: Since at MYTIC the web-refreshing-rate is fairly slow, to put is mildly, and the text of the proposal has been leaked all over the web, I don't want to deprive you of it. Here is a link to the website of suelosolar, with the proposal in word format.
We are working on a post on this proposal.