A few more barriers to be commented…
The post yesterday about RD 1699/2011 concerned the opacity of the distribution system and the introduction of administrative barriers by the Ministry. In this post we will follow the same format and continue to examine the administrative barriers of RD 1699/2011, comparing earlier drafts with later drafts. There´s a new article that was introduced … Continued
The lack of transparency and increased administrative barriers in Royal Decree 1699/2011
RD 1699/2011 has in part implemented the European Directive 28/2009/CE in Spain, and doing so reinforces the possibilities for distributed generation. This is the first post in a series critically discussing this law. Upfront: The law is yet to be completed with a net metering scheme, which is already behind on schedule. Each draft of … Continued
How different is negotiating a transaction in Spain
Different cultures bring different negotiation habits. Richard D. Lewis wrote a very thorough analysis on this in his book “When cultures collide”. I have that book on the shelve in my office and was struck by its practical accuracy when reading it, I recommend all people involved in international business to buy and read it. … Continued
Smart cities lookout motivation
This is the sixth post in a series on Smart Cities, Dana Cary and Julie Claar are with our Firm as interns in the summermonths and will deliver their findings on our blog. Dana Cary, HOLTROP S.L.P. Transaction & Business Law Need a little motivation? The global movement toward renovating inefficient, polluted cities into ?smart? … Continued
Smart cities lookout find one close to you
This is the fifth post in a series on Smart Cities, Dana Cary and Julie Claar are with our Firm as interns in the summermonths and will deliver their findings on our blog. Dana Cary, HOLTROP S.L.P. Transaction & Business Law Smart choices near you! Hello all! This is an awesome link I figured I … Continued
Smart cities lookout smart city = smart building
This is the fourth post in a series on Smart Cities, Dana Cary and Julie Claar are with our Firm as interns in the summermonths and will deliver their findings on our blog. Dana Cary, HOLTROP S.L.P. Transaction & Business Law Smart Cities = Smart Buildings The wide-spread adoption of QR codes in advertising is … Continued
Smart cities lookout Hitachi
This is the third post in a series on Smart Cities, Dana Cary and Julie Claar are with our Firm as interns in the summermonths and will deliver their findings on our blog. Dana Cary, HOLTROP S.L.P. Transaction & Business Law Smart city: Hitachi, Japan Whether you´ve noticed or not, change is happening all around … Continued
Smart cities lookout California
This is the second post in a series on Smart Cities, Dana Cary and Julie Claar are with our Firm as interns in the summermonths and will deliver their findings on our blog. Dana Cary, HOLTROP S.L.P. Transaction & Business Law California Paving the Way Toward a Greener Future One of the leading states in the … Continued
Smart cities lookout
This is the first post in a series on Smart Cities, Julie Claar and Dana Cary are with our Firm as interns in the summermonths and will deliver their findings on our blog. Julie Claar, HOLTROP S.L.P. Transaction & Business Law Masdar City This city is located in Abu Dhabi, is 6 square kilometers, … Continued
A positive note on a growth market in times of crisis
We intend with this section to share some of the issues that may arise in the wine industry here in Spain with a global focus. Lets start with a positive note: This industry despite the global crisis, which has hit Spain with particular ferocity, has grown in the past year and it may be expected … Continued
Vulnerability of US and European electricity supply to climate change
Climate change is not only a problematic issue in connection with fossile fuels, but also in relation to Nuclear Power Generation: Vulnerability of US and European electricity supply to climate change An interesting article, identifying a “rebounce” problem of climate change to power generation that requires cooling.
M&A and food industry
We haven’t been publishing a lot recently in this section, the reason of which is that we were quite busy with our daily business and didn’t quite know where to start writing to add value to this section withour boring you. The focus of our M&A activities has traditionally been mostly in the Energy Business, … Continued