Legal Focus: Commercial Agreements
Be it manufacturing and supply, distribution, licensing agreements or ancillary agreements such as sponsoring, advertisement, or rental agreements: we draft contracts which safeguard your business interests without hampering your commercial aspirations. Our lawyers have outstanding commercial and drafting skills. We bring a cross border perspective essential to increasingly internationalized deal making and contractual … Continued
Legal Focus: Mergers & Acquisitions
Broad cross border deal experience and a well developed international referral network make us a natural choice for engagement in international M&A assignments. Be it an acquisition, management buyout, a split up, or any other M&A transaction: from the early stages of negotiations, through due diligence and contract drafting, we deliver for you. We … Continued
What do we focus on?
In this section you can find out what we focus on from a legal angle. If you would like to get an idea of our day to day activities in the subsections of this menu you should take a look at the blog section of our website, all to the left in the main menu. … Continued
HOLTROP S.L.P Transaction & Business Law
Our character To have character means to be persistent in the pursuit of long term gratification, we do this through mutual commitment with our clients to energy transition, as an expression of our loyalty to climate goals. Free after Aristotle, our lema is that we are what we repeatedly do: Excellence is an art won … Continued
M&A activities of our firm
Currently we have one interesting assignment which we would consider part of our M&A practice, we are advising in the setup of an ESCO in Chile, to deliver industrial heat to a largecap stakeholder, our client is a Catalan company in the biomass sector. We hope to be able to provide more information shortly. Another … Continued
The Platform for a New Energy Model and APPA want to take the Spanish Government before the Court of Justice of the European Union
The Platform for a New Energy Model (Px1NME) and the Association of Renewable Energy Producers (APPA) want to take Spain before the Court of Justice of the European Union for the mistreatment of renewables, infringement of EU Law and breach of the principle of legal certainty for the majority of the investors in renewable energies … Continued
28 February 2013 Revista Energía El Economista “El sector solar acude en masa a los tribunales”
Last 28 February 2013 the “Revista Energía El Economista”, a digital edition monthly energy magazine of the Spànish Business newspaper El Economista dedicated an in depht article to the multitudinal litigation initiated between autumn 2011 and now, titled: “El sector solar acude en masa a los tribunales”. The article puts special focus on our European … Continued
06 December 2012 El Economista “Reclaman una auditoría al mercado eléctrico”
06 December 2012 El Economista newspaper informs about our visit to Brussels with the New Energy Model Platform (Plataforma por un nuevo modelo Energético) with the title “Reclaman una auditoría al mercado eléctrico”. A delegation representing most section of the Spanish civil society and the most relevant sector organisations filed a formal complaint with the … Continued
14 June 2012 El Economista “El Supremo rechaza un recurso a la moratoria”
The 14 June 2012 Spanish business newspaper El Economista publishes “El Supremo rechaza un recurso a la moratoria”, an article that carefully explains how the Spanish Supreme Court has barred access to PV producers to invoke EU Law. this cause is currently pending admission at the Spanish Constitutional Court and is also being investigated by … Continued
01 March 2012 Sun & Wind Energy “Renewable susidies cut off”
On 01 March 2012 Sun & Wind Energy writes an article “Renewable susidies cut off”, with the subtitle “In a ruthless domestic move, the new Spanish government has slashed all subsidies for renewable energies at a stroke, risking the collapse of the domestic industry”. The article explain our efforts to litigate against the indefinite moratorium … Continued
Second visit to Brussels with the Platform for a new energy model
Coming monday and tuesday we will be in Brussels again to talk to the different DG’s of the European Commission affected by our complaints for a 258TFUE procedure. We will also speak to several MP’s of the European Parliament, tomorrow you will find a press release with more information concerning this issue in our press … Continued
12 december 2011 El Economista “Las fotovoltaicas cifran en 139 millones el daño sufrido en agosto y septiembre”
On the 12th of december 2011 the spanish business newspaper El Economista writes: “Las fotovoltaicas cifran en 139 millones el daño sufrido en agosto y septiembre” The PV sector estimates the damage suffered 139 million euros in september and december only. The article mentions our firm and our affirmation that the administration does not use … Continued