September 28th 2016, debate on “Spain: Government against Renewables” with the actor César Vea

Coming September 28, 2016 the Catalan Energy Efficiency Cluster (Clúster d’Eficiència Energètica de Catalunya) and Holtrop S.L.P. Transaction & Business Law will organize a  debate on Photovoltaics, called “Spain: Government against Renewables” together with Fundación Renovables, Som EnergiaANPIER and the actor César Vea including  the premiere of the documentary  “El Camino del Sol” in Barcelona.


Place of celebration: Auditori Pompeu Fabra del COEIC – Vía Laietana, 39 – Barcelona from 18:00 a 20:30.To see the full programm of the event, please click on following pdf-document (in Spanish): 


The programm of the conference is as follows: 


Opening paper, 18:00-18:15

Janet Sanz Cid - "Ecología, Urbanismo y Movilidad" Townhall of Barcelona


Table 1: Renewables in Spain: past, present and future, 18:15-19:15

Moderator: Francesc Ribera, Clúster d’Eficiència Energètica de Catalunya

Why should we stand up for renewables?, Joan Herrera, Fundación Renovables

What has happened with renewables in Spain?, Pere Guerra, ANPIER

How is the actual situation?, Piet Holtrop, HOLTROP SLP Transaction & Business Law

What is the future of renewables in Spain?, Sara Gutiérrez, Som Energia


Table 2: Showing of the documentary “El Camino del Sol” (19:15-19:45) and debate (19:45-20:30)

Daniel Pérez, HOLTROP SLP Transaction & Business Law

César Vea, director “El Camino del Sol”


If you are interested in knowing more about "El Camino del Sol" and César Vea's next project, the film Sol(d) Out" please click herehere or here.

Assitance is free, but prior registration is needed.

To assist please fill out the form by following this link

Places are limited and the registration order will be taken into account.