26 November 2011 El Economista “La CNE decide posponer los recursos de las fotovoltaicas”
26 November 2011 newspaper El Economista writes “La CNE decide posponer los recursos de las fotovoltaicas”: the national energy regulator postpones appeals of PV energy producers, we are quoted qualifying that move as poor, resulting from a lack of material argument of the administration. The issue was that PV producers are not having a fair … Continued
24 November 2011 El Economista “Las Fotovoltaicas suman más de 2.000 recursos al Supremo”
On November 24th 2011 El Economista publishes: “Las Fotovoltaicas suman más de 2.000 recursos al Supremo”; the article explains the involvement of KPMG, Allen & Overy, Cuatrecasas and HOLTROP S.L.P Transaction & Business Law in representing well over 2000 PV producers in theis battle against the Spanish administration. The mayority of this group is represented … Continued
01 June 2011 PV Magazine “A wave of lawsuits”
The June edition of PV Magazine, well know international reference in the PV sector honoured us with publication of an interview, the resulting article is titled “A wave of lawsuits” and discusses the retroactive FIT cuts of the socialist government in Spain. The article is in English and announces the avalanche of litigation prepared by … Continued
26 may 2011 Solarthemen “Europarecht verbietet rückwirkende Änderungen der Einspeisetarife”
On the 26th of may 2011 the German solarpower specialized magazine “Solarthemen” published an interview with Piet Holtrop, partner and namegiver of our firm, with the title “Europarecht verbietet rückwirkende Änderungen der Einspeisetarife”. The article discussed the retroactive cuts of RD1565/2010 and RDL14/2010 and explains the EU Law approach of our firm. The article is … Continued
PV investors and the Energy Charter Treaty
When I started writing my thesis, back in 2010, I could not imagine that its main subject, the then little known Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), could gain, in a very short time, quite of a momentum in Europe and especially in the country where I live now, namely Spain. In 2011 a group of international … Continued
New design and layout
Over the last months we have been changing the design and content of our blog and corporate website. Both are integrated now in one website. New secions describing our team, activities and ideas during the coming weeks. Hope you enjoy browsing through them.
Creeping expropiation in Spain
The other day I read an interesting article on creeping expropriation in El Confidencial; investment funds are opening arbitration cases against Spain. Spain is already facing several claims of large international funds for earlier retroactive measures (floor and cap of RDL14/2010 and 25 years’ limit of RD1565/2010), and this new claim is to be added … Continued
New section in our blog
With the new design of our website comes this new press section. We have done this to reflect the impact which our work is having in the medio, traditional and online. This section will have two sub-sections, one in which we publish what the media say about us, and another one in which we say … Continued
Next stop, Strasbourg.
We have found ourselves in a situation of Catch 22, a term coined by the author Joseph Heller in his novel, with the same name, based during the Second World War. The phrase alludes to an absurd situation in which a combination of rules will always bring you back to the same situation. In the … Continued
The one but last Spanish retro active FIT cut: electricity (AND FIT!) tax
On the 28th December 2012, two laws were published in the BOE (Boletin Oficial del Estado) which brought disaster to the renewable energy sector: law 15/2012 and law 17/2012. Law 15/2012, dated the 27th of December, concerned fiscal measures to raise funds for the electricity sector, amongst them the so-called 7% “electricity tax” which disproportionally … Continued
Increase of Judicial Taxes in Spain: EU Law to the rescue?
As part of recent Spanish measures to reduce public expenses and increase public income, the Spanish Ley 10/2012 substantially raises judicial fees (a “tasa judicial” is a fee charged when citizens access certain judicial services)[1], a move that has generated a great deal of protests by judges, lawyers and citizens alike. Under the new system, … Continued
Updated version of the Study of the macroeconomical impact of Renewable Energies in Spain in English
For the third year we have sponsored the English version of APPA’s study on the macroeconomic impact of renewable energies in Spain. Very essential document in times of increased ignorance of the facts amongst policymakers. A must read. Feel free to call us if you have questions.