Smart cities lookout greentech or cleantech?

This is the seventh post in a series on Smart Cities, Julie Claar and Dana Cary are with our Firm as interns in the summermonths and will deliver their findings on our blog.

   Julie Claar, HOLTROP S.L.P. Transaction & Business Law  

Most wonder about the difference between the terms in the renewable energy segment, the most often confusion is the difference between "Cleantech" and "Greentech". Both terms get thrown around to define energy efficient technology however only one of these terms truly applies to that. Greentech (or Green Technology) does refer to the actual services and products that are low energy consumption in our community however Cleantech (Clean Technology) refers to the financial investment in those processes. This encompasses clean energy, sustainable services and energy efficient products. Currently Cleantech is the third largest capital investment sector behind only IT and Biotech.

People are getting interested and aware of the environment and the troubles facing the planet we live on. If consumers, public policy, and business strategy all align with Green ideas, then consequently those are the investments people want to be making. Often these investments are not purchased primarily for environmental reason but it still offers significant benefits either way. Ultimately it´s more about revenue however clearly objectives vary by companies.

I will follow up this post with the newest CleanTech ideas as I come across them.