March 10th, PV Tech: ‘Parliament in Spain rallies against punitive “Sun Tax”
Spanish parties representing a majority in parliament have signed an agreement to remove the controversial Royal Decree against self-consumption of solar energy within 100 days of a government being formed, according to Spain’s solar association Union Espanola Fotovoltaica (UNEF).
Daniel Pérez, Attorney at Holtrop S.L.P. explains in the article in PV Tech published March 10th that the parties not just wanted to abrogate the RD but also create a new modified RD on self-consumption and states that the situation for owners of an existing installation is criticle because of the changes to come in by April 10 (existing installations have six months after the approval of the RD at October 10 to adapt to the new norm) as they will have to make costly adaptations to their installations in case the RD is not removed before that date.
You can read the full article as well as an article published the same day at Planet Save following these links: PV Tech and Planet Save.