Invited Author Energética XXI: Karoshi & Karate Kid

As we do every year, our Firm attended from the 13th to 15th the Spanish renewable energies fair GENERA 2018, where we had a booth in the section of UNEF. This time, Javier Monforte from the magazine Energética XXI invited me to write an article about energy self-supply for what would be the nº 177th magazine, June- July 2018.

After analyzing the latest version of article 21 of the draft for a new European Directive of Renewable Energies, over which an agreement was reached recently in the trilogues, I got inspired in the ethics of work from the Japanese to write about how the new regulatory scenario is affecting the renewable energies market and its influence over the PPA and energetic self-supply.
In that sense, I emphasize in the article how PPA can become a cornerstone, and how the energetic self-supply will soon have a more complete legal framework.

Here you can find the full article.