calendar for the PV FIT pre-assignation of the third and fourth trimester of 2011
last week Orden ITC/688/2011, of March 31th was published. This Orden modifies the calendar for the PV FIT pre-assignation of the third and fourth quarter of 2011, as regulated by Royal Decree 1578/2008.
The application for the third quarter PV FIT pre-assignation of 2011 shall be as of the day following the closure of the call for the second trimester 2011, and until July 31st. The result for this pre-assignation will be published before October 1, 2011.
The application for the last quarter PV FIT pre-assignation of 2011 coincides with the third quarter. The result for this pre-assignation will be published before October 10, 2011, or at any rate within six working
days after publication of the pre-assignation of the third quarter.
If you want to apply for both quarters, a single form shall be filed including both applications.
If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact us at the addresses indicated in the footer of this page.