April 20th, CEEC-COEIC: “Debate on Self-consumption facing the challenge of RD 900/2015”
Next April 20th another session of the series "Debates on Energetic Efficiency" organised by the CEEC (Clúster de Efficiència Energètica de Catalunya (Energy Efficiency Cluster of Catalonia)) and the Working Group of the Catalonian College of Industrial Engineers on Energetic Efficiency (COEIC) about "Self-consumption facing the challenge of the RD 900/2015" will take place.
The session, that starts at 09:00 and lasts till 11:30, will count with the assistence of Daniel Pérez, partner of Holtrop S.L.P. Transaction & Business Law, who will present a legal analysis on the situation of self-consumption as a result of the approval of RD 900/2015.
Mr. Peter Palacín, General Director of Energy, Mines and Industrial Safety has been invited for the closure of this debate.
To see the full schedule of this meeting, please follow this link.
Please pinch here to access the Registration Form in case you wish to attend.