Anticorruption investigated Industry ministers for a millionaire debt of Spanish Utilities
Last Sunday 16th of november, we were positively surprised by the article published in the newspaper “EL PAÍS”. This article mentions that the Anticorruption Prosecutor has been interrogating several ministers of the PSOE Government responsible of Energy between 2007 and 2010.
The question was is to clarify what happened to a debt of large utilities, of between 2.5 and 3.5 billion euros, and to find out about why these utilities never returned any benefits overcharged by the “Costes de Transición a la Competencia CTC), even though a State Attorney report in 2008 supported that.
The 3rd of june, Plataforma por un Nuevo modelo Energético, represented voluntarily by the lawyers of HOLTROP S.L.P, denounced the leaders of the Industry Minister, for traffic of influences and misapropiation of resources, for having allowed the prescription of a multi billion debt.
You can download the complete article published in “EL PAÍS” here: