12th of August 2015, PV Tech, “Spain’s proposed ‘sun tax’ revision still punitive, says specialist lawyer”
The review "PV Tech" has published today an article by Tom Kenning talking about the third set of proporsals for the Royal Decree on taxes for solar self-consumption, which improves on the previous proposals but maintains the core punitive measures.
The article includes the statemets made by Daniel Pérez, attorney at Holtrop S.L.P, wich has declared that "the latest proposals made several improvements, such as making self-consumption compatible with last-resource tariffs, which are discounted tariffs for low income consumers". However, two main punitive measures of the Royal Decree had been maintained: on one hand, a disproportionately bureaucratic authorisation procedure. On the other hand, a tax on energy produced and consumed without feeding the grid. In Pérez words: “This is a tax for electricity produced by consumers, so for us the concept is already wrong. They are not using the grid so they shouldn’t pay for producing. [The Government has] made some improvements for users but not in the core areas of the legislation.
Finally, he agrees that “In general terms the Royal Decrees are still very negative, because they are much worse than the situation we have now.”
You can read the article following this link.