25 October: Electric self-consumption in the agriculture sector in Catalonia

The Energy Efficiency Cluster of Catalonia, together with the members of the operations group that promoted the project “Operating, legal, economic and financial models for the implementation of sustainable and competitive photovoltaic energy in agricultural installations”, have organized for the coming 25 October the event “Electric self-consumption in the agriculture sector in Catalonia”. The event will take place in the Auditori Pompeu Fabra (Vía Laietana, 39 – 5th floor).


The event will analyze the operating, legal, economic and financial models used in the promotion of sustainable and competitive photovoltaic energy in the agriculture sector, using an analysis of the current regulatory framework, the agriculture sector in Catalonia and an examination of experiences and case studies.


Piet Holtrop will speak at the event at 10.15 a.m. to discuss the regulatory framework applicable to self-consumption.


Below, we provide the agenda: